This section contains a few bits of code for things you might want to do with Plugins.
Write messages to the Plugin Log
# Import the LRR logging moduleuse LANraragi::Utils::Logging qw(get_plugin_logger);# Use the logger to output status - they'll be passed to a specialized logfile and written to $logger = get_plugin_logger();$plugin->debug("This message will only show if LRR is in Debug Mode")$plugin->info("You know me the fighting freak Knuckles and we're at Pumpkin Hill");$plugin->warn("You ready?");$plugin->error("Oh no");
Mojo::UserAgent is a full-featured HTTP client coming with LRR you can use.
use Mojo::UserAgent;my $ua = $lrr_info->{user_agent};#Get HTML from a simple GET request$ua->get("")->result->body;#Make a POST request and get the JSON resultmy $rep = $ua->post(""=> json => { stage =>"Meteor Herd", location => [ [ "space", "colony" ] ], emeralds => 3 } )->result;#JSON decoded to a perl objectmy $jsonresponse = $rep->json;#JSON decoded to a stringmy $textrep = $rep->body;
Read values in the LRR Database
my $redis = LANraragi::Model::Config->get_redis;my $value = $redis->get("key");
use LANraragi::Utils::Archive qw(is_file_in_archive extract_file_from_archive);# Check if info.json is in the archive located at $file and get its precise pathmy $info_path = is_file_in_archive($file, "info.json");if ($info_path) {#Extract info.jsonmy $filepath = extract_file_from_archive($file, $info_path);#Do whatever you need with the extracted fileopen( my $fh, '<:encoding(UTF-8)', $filepath )orreturn ( error =>"Could not open $filepath!" );while ( my $row = <$fh> ) {#... }#Delete itunlink $filepath;}