Downloader Plugins

Downloader Plugins are used as part of LANraragi's built-in downloading feature.

Required subroutines

Only one subroutine needs to be implemented for the module to be recognized: provide_url, which contains your working code. You're free to implement other subroutines for cleaner code, of course.

Your plugin also needs an extra field in its metadata: url_regex, which contains a Regular Expression that'll be used by LANraragi to know if your Downloader should be used. For example, if your regex is https?:\/\/*, LANraragi will invoke your plugin if the user wants to download an URL that comes from

In case of multiple Downloaders matching the given URL, the server will invoke the first plugin that matches.

Expected Input

The following section deals with writing the provide_url subroutine. When executing your Plugin, LRR will call this subroutine and pass it the following variables:

sub provide_url {

    #First lines you should have in the subroutine
    my $lrr_info = shift; # Global info hash
    my ($param1, $param2) = @_; # Plugin parameters

The variables match the parameters you've entered in the plugin_info subroutine.

The $lrr_info hash contains two variables you can use in your plugin:

  • $lrr_info->{url}: The URL that needs to be downloaded.

  • $lrr_info->{user_agent}: Mojo::UserAgent object you can use for web requests. If this plugin depends on a Login plugin, this UserAgent will be pre-configured with the cookies from the Login.

Expected Output

LRR expects Downloaders to return a hash, containing a new URL that can be downloaded directly. Said URL should directly point to a file -- Any form of HTML will trigger a failed download.

return ( download_url => "http://my.remote.service/download/" );

If your script errored out, you can immediately stop the plugin execution and tell LRR that an error occurred by throwing an exception:

die "my error :(\n";

or by returning a hash containing an "error" field (this method is deprecated):

return ( error => "my error :(" );

If you do this, the error will be logged/displayed to the user.

Plugin Template

package LANraragi::Plugin::Download::MyNewDownloader;

use strict;
use warnings;

# Plugins can freely use all Perl packages already installed on the system
# Try however to restrain yourself to the ones already installed for LRR (see tools/cpanfile) to avoid extra installations by the end-user.
use Mojo::UserAgent;

# You can also use LRR packages when fitting.
# All packages are fair game, but only functions explicitly exported by the Utils packages are supported between versions.
# Everything else is considered internal API and can be broken/renamed between versions.
use LANraragi::Model::Plugins;
use LANraragi::Utils::Logging qw(get_logger);

#Meta-information about your plugin.
sub plugin_info {

    return (
        #Standard metadata
        name        => " Downloader",
        type        => "download",
        namespace   => "dummydl",
        author      => "Hackerman",
        version     => "0.1",
        description => "This is base boilerplate for writing LRR downloaders. Returns a static URL if you try to download a URL from",
        icon        => "",

        # Downloader-specific metadata
        url_regex => "https?:\/\/*"


## Mandatory function to be implemented by your script
sub provide_url {
    my $lrr_info = shift; # Global info hash
    my ($useposts) = @_; # Plugin parameters

    my $logger = get_logger( "Dingus Downloader", "plugins" );

    # Get the url
    my $url = $lrr_info->{url};
    $logger->debug("We have been given the following URL: $url" );

    # This is the downloadable url we'll give back. It can be completely different from the base domain provided.
    my $reply = "";

    # Just for fun, use the provided useragent to see if we've been given a real URL
    my $ua = $lrr_info->{user_agent};
    my $res = $ua->get($url)->result;

    if ($res->is_success) {
         return ( download_url => $reply );
    elsif ($res->is_error) {
        die "Dingus! ".$res->message;



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