🛠️Source Code (Linux/macOS)

The following instructions are based on Debian Stretch.

A small FYI about Vendor Perl

As you might have noticed, LANraragi entirely depends on the Perl programming language. A version of Perl ships already compiled on most Linux distributions(and macOS). It's usually called "Vendor Perl".

Using vendor Perl is generally discouraged due to possible fuck-ups by the Linux distribution creator. As such, you might want to install LANraragi with your own compiled Perl, using a tool such as Perlbrew.

For information, my personal tests are done using Debian's vendor Perl.

Needed dependencies

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install build-essential make gnupg pkg-config \
cpanminus redis-server libarchive-dev imagemagick webp libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libjxl-dev \
perlmagick ghostscript npm

Base software dependencies.

If your package manager requires you to specify which ImageMagick version to install, choose version 7. If you're using perlbrew, you'll have to install Alien::ImageMagick with CPAN in perlbrew's perl lib, which will handle downloading and building the perlmagick API bindings for you. (LRR can work without ImageMagick running, but you'll lose out on any thumbnail support)

For macOS, you should be able to install the dependencies using Homebrew.

Installing LRR

All you need to do is clone the git repo somewhere (or download one of the releases) and run the installer. I recommend doing this with a brand new Linux user account. (I'm using "koyomi" here):

git clone -b master http://github.com/Difegue/LANraragi /home/koyomi/lanraragi
cd /home/koyomi/lanraragi && sudo npm run lanraragi-installer install-full

{% hint style="info"} Do not use sudo in the above command if you are using perlbrew. Arch users might need to install perl-config-autoconf and use env variable export PERL5LIB=~/perl5/lib/perl5 before running the installer.

Once this is done, you can get started by running npm start and opening http://localhost:3000.

To change the default port or add SSL support, see this page:

🌐Network Interface Setup

By default, LRR listens on all IPv4 Interfaces on port 3000, unsecured HTTP.


Getting all the files from the latest release and pasting them in the directory of the application should give you a painless update 95% of the time.

To be on the safe side, make sure to rerun the installer once this is done:

npm run lanraragi-installer install-full

Last updated

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