Login Plugins

Login Plugins mostly play a support role: They can be called by all other plugins: Metadata, Downloader and Script Plugins. Their role is to provide a configured Mojo::UserAgent object that can be used to perform authenticated operations on a remote Web service.

Required subroutines

Only one subroutine needs to be implemented for the module to be recognized: do_login, which contains your working code. You're free to implement other subroutines for cleaner code, of course.

Expected Input

When executing your Plugin, LRR will call the do_login subroutine and give it the following variables:

sub do_login {

    #First lines you should have in the subroutine
    my ($params) = @_; # Plugin parameters

The $params hash contains the values of the user defined parameters.

Expected Output

Your plugin must return a Mojo::UserAgent object. That's it!

There's no particular error handling for Login Plugins at the moment, so I recommend you return an empty UserAgent if Login fails and handle the error in the matching Metadata/Script plugin.

Plugin Template

package LANraragi::Plugin::Login::MyNewPlugin;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Mojo::UserAgent;
use LANraragi::Utils::Logging qw(get_logger);

#Meta-information about your plugin.
sub plugin_info {

    return (
        #Standard metadata
        name  => "Login Plugin",
        type  => "login",
        namespace => "dummylogin",
        author => "Hackerman",
        version  => "0.001",
        description => "This is base boilerplate for writing LRR plugins.",
        #If your plugin uses/needs custom arguments, input their name here.
        #This name will be displayed in plugin configuration next to an input box.
        parameters  => {
            'loginenabled' => {type => "bool",   desc => "Enable logging in to service X", default_value => "1"},
            'uid'          => {type => "int",    desc => "User ID"},
            'password'     => {type => "string", desc => "Password"}


# Mandatory function to be implemented by your login plugin
# Returns a Mojo::UserAgent object only!
sub do_login {

    # Login plugins only receive the parameters entered by the user.
    my ( undef, $params ) = @_;

    my $logger = get_logger( "Undernet Login", "plugins" );
    my $ua = Mojo::UserAgent->new;

    if ($params->{loginenabled}) {

                name   => 'userID',
                value  => $params->{uid},
                domain => 'example.com',
                path   => '/'

                name   => 'password',
                value  => $params->{password},
                domain => 'example.com',
                path   => '/'

    } else {
        $logger->info( "No cookies provided, returning blank UserAgent.");

    return $ua;


Converting existing plugins to named parameters

If you have a plugin that you want to convert to using named parameters check Converting existing plugins to named parameters in the Metadata section.

Last updated

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